Sunday, March 10, 2013

Freebie Sunday - Free Ebooks for your Kindle

On this Freebie Sunday ... I provide a few options to read this week. Just sit down relax in your favorite corner and read away.

Remember these books might not be free tomorrow, so hurry up and download your copy now.  Please read before downloading some of these books are not in the YA Genre.

The Bad Apply by Barbara Morgenroth  (Mature YA)

"You tell and next time you won't even be able to crawl away."
Neal Marchal lived with this threat for the next eight years. When she finds her neighbor murdered, she knows who did it. The why is the secret the family has been keeping forever. The reminder to never reveal the secret is her limp.
She rebuilt her life and now Neal has everything to live for--music, performing and a growing affection for the young man who pulled her to safety in thhen Joe comes home. Neal knows Joe's going to finish what he started 8 years ago because she told. But this time Neal vows the outcome will be different.

Enchantment (Book 1) & Taken (Book2)  by Charlotte Abel (Fantasy Romance)
These series has amazing reviews and the author both books for free.  Hurry up and download your copies.

Channie is a lovable teenage mage that lives a simple but magical life with her clannish community deep in the Ozark Mountains. She’s blessed with the ability to enchant those around her, charming not only her family and friends, but any boy with a pulse that doesn’t know how to shield himself against her magic.  When her father’s gambling addiction earns the wrath of a powerful mage, the family is forced to flee for their lives. They escape to the suburbs of Colorado hoping to hide amongst Magically Disabled people (like you and me). Channie’s parents are overwhelmed by the modern world and panic when they catch her flirting with a group of “dirty-minded, non-magical city-boys.” They strip away her power of enchantment and replace it with a chastity curse that automatically zaps any boy foolish, or courageous, enough to pursue her. Josh Abrim -- a BMX racer with a killer smile, Olympic dreams and dangerous secrets of his own -- is exactly that kind of boy. When he and Channie realize their interest in each other is more than just friendship, she turns to dark and forbidden magic, determined to break the curse keeping them apart. Her inexperience makes matters infinitely worse and unleashes a malevolent force with the power to destroy everything they love … including each other.

Bound by love and magic. Betrayed by those they trust. Not everyone survives. In this second installment of The Channie Series, Josh and Channie are tested physically and emotionally as the tough choices they are forced to make affect not only their future together but their very existence. The risks are high but the rewards are even higher.


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