Saturday, November 17, 2012

Farewell to Twilight...

As a teenager I used to read loads of books and loved it but somehow while transitioning into an adult I stopped.  When Twilight came out as a movie for the first time my husband rented it for me and we sat down to watch.  I can honestly say this was it for me...

I ran the next day to the nearest book store and bought New Moon immediately falling in love with the characters and their world.  I finished the book in two days and when on to the next and so forth.   It honestly made me come back alive.  Reading these stories made me feel like I had found something long lost a while ago.  It goes without saying that thanks to Twilight I began reading like a maniac and blogging my brains off about the books I loved.

I have been a Twi hard since after Twilight came out and for every movie I have made a spectacle out of it.  It has been female bonding, friend making and oh so much eye candy fun.  These past years will never be forgotten. I cannot even say how many people I've meet just by talking about Twilight.

Last night  I watched Breaking Dawn Part 2.  It is bittersweet and very sad to say goodbye but it was a worth it.  So here is my farewell to one of my favorite series in the history of time.

Farewell Edward, Bella & Jacob!

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